Olivia Hsu has spent over half of her life defying gravity, 20 years later and having traveling to over two dozen countries later she pursues climbing with the same passion as the first time she tied in. Olivia's roots are in trad climbing but has branched out in all the disciplines of climbing be it sport, Trad, Bouldering and Ice. She see them all as an art of movement. She is also a certified yoga teacher and has found it to be the perfect compliment to climbing, cultivating focus and flexibility on both the mental and physical levels. She has studied Ashtanga for nearly two decades and has been studying continuously with Richard Freeman and Tim Miller for over a decade. Being an elite level athlete she has been able to find the delicate balance between practice and training and understands the myriad ways in which yoga complements doing what you love.
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The Imaginary
The legendary peaks of Peru’s Cordillera Blanca are a slice of the best alpine climbing and some of the greatest undiscovered bouldering in the world...

The Search for Serenity
Join professional climber & yogi Olivia Hsu, photographer Caroline Treadway and friends on their search to get lost and detach from the busy town of Hong Kong for some explorative climbs in Qingyuan.