Born in Uganda, Brolin moved to Boston, MA in 2004 before relocating to Jackson Hole in 2008. His goal is to represent his home country in the 2022 Winter Olympics. Brolin helped establish the Ugandan Snowboarding Federation under the International Olympic committee and was able to earn an invite to both World Championships in Spain 2017 and Dew-Tour 2017 & 2018. He also earned a World Cup invite for Uganda and funded a 32 team charity tournament for vulnerable youth in Uganda.
"People say you are what you eat, but I believe you also 'are what you wear.' Living sustainably isn't just about what you do, but also about what you put on your body. Wearing eco eye protection is #1 RAD, #2 benefits the planet, and #3 helps you see the world through eco lenses. Thanks ZEAL for making that possible!"
- Alison Teal
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One For The Road Ep. 3 | The Finale
This is it, it’s over. Fin. Finito. Finally, the finale of the “One For The Road” series is here! The last leg of this adventurous trek includes plenty of riding and shenanigans...

One For The Road Ep. 2 | The Road to Tahoe
In episode 2 of “One For The Road”, the Zeal crew sets out on their maiden road trip voyage to Woodward Tahoe with fellow Zeal ambassadors Cody Cirillo and Brolin Mawejje while...

The Road to Woodward at Boreal - Episode 4
Welcome back campers! Join us for more summer hyjinx from Woodward Tahoe with Madison Ellsworth, Mike Sears, Brolin Mawejje, Josiah Goedecke and Ryan Riggins as the summer shred stoke hits an all time high with ZEAL Optics.