Second Mile Water focuses on helping communities in developing nations get permanent access to clean, safe drinking water. Through creative outdoor initiatives, this group brings an entirely new awareness and passion to this cause.
Our vision is to be a new breed of non-profit, explains founder Travis Ramos. We want to mobilize people to end water poverty and eliminate the stereotype that the people of the developing world are charity cases. Working directly with communities and regional government, we utilize local labor, expertise and supplies to do work that is locally based and long-term focused.
Each summer, hikers join the Second Mile Mo for The Colorado54, climbing their chosen Colorado Fourteener and raised a phenomenal $76,946 to provide Nicaraguan families with permanent access to clean water.
As an organization, we are creating a new breed of adventurer and their support allows us to do a new breed of development work, where we focus on helping people by providing access to drinking water sums up Second Mile Founder Travis Ramos.
"ZEAL Optics is not a fan of the 'common view.' Similar to SMW, ZEAL was born out of the need to create, to journey and to strive for more than just a basic existence. They believe that the moments you make become you, just as our adventures become our life story.- TRAVIS RAMOS, FOUNDER, SECOND MILE WATER"
- Alison Teal"