Meet Luke Nelson
As Luke strives to learn and perfect the craft of mountain travel, it has become evident that it is equal parts love, sweat, tears, hard work, persistence, and insanity that are required to progress. For Luke that's what Zeal Optics is—the unique combination of what it takes to go beyond what is considered possible. [@slukenelson](https://www.instagram.com/slukenelson/)
"As I strive to learn and perfect the craft of mountain travel, it has become evident that it is equal parts love, sweat, tears, hard work, persistence, and insanity that are required to progress."
- Luke Nelson
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Racing the Light with Luke Nelson
Zeal Trail Running Ambassador Luke Nelson runs us through his latest race at the Skyrunning World Series in Trømso, Norway.

High Adventure—Low Prices
This Memorial Day, give our sunglasses a run for their money and decorate your days with the gift of adventure.